
The Mightily Dreamed Envisioned and Prophesied Revelation 12 Sign, September 23rd 2017

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is      -God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day Two Hundred and fifty-one 05/21/2017 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/2016, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25/2016, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also, -Righteously Dividing The Enemy  Prophecy Links, 1986-2016/17 -The Fulfillment Of All Things Is Upon Mankind, The Angel Gabriel 534 BC, 2004, AD, Beware! -Seen to be seeing a US general hand his horse off to the prophet Jeremiah, citing no contest with biblical  prophecy, Jesus Is The Spirit Of Prophecy, All Fulfillment Hath Come! And I Heard In My Hearing, "go and get the twelves heirs, see Rev. 7, the sealing of the 144,000  Remnant              ...

Gog, Magog, Hamon-Gog

Give At to        -Je suis (I Am) Jesus Christ, "If I do this [evangelism ministry], it's good. If I die, that's good too. I will be with the Lord!" ~Gospel worker in India, voice of the martyrs …just imagine, plainly, if it doesn’t cause you pain and blood at gloriously renewing the heart and soul, this anxious outreach to the lost, then it’s not of Jesus’ Christ, as we are the church of the Martyrs.” Remember, Return, REPENT!!! , Repent!       -For we acknowledge our transgressions and our sins are ever before thee, against thee, thee only God/Father, have we sinned and done this evil in thy sight, that you might be justified when you speak and be clear when you judge. Behold we were shaped in iniquity and in sin did our mother conceive us. See Psalm 51, ...

Gog And Magog, And A Fury Shall Come In To My Face

Give At to        - Je suis (I Am) Jesus Christ, "If I do this [evangelism ministry], it's good. If I die, that's good too. I will be with the Lord!" ~Gospel worker in India, voice of the martyrs …just imagine, plainly, if it doesn’t cause you pain and blood at gloriously renewing the heart and soul, this anxious outreach to the lost, then it’s not of Jesus’ Christ, as we are the church of the Martyrs.” Remember, Return, REPENT!!! , Repent!      -For we acknowledge our transgressions and our sins are ever before thee, against thee, thee only God/Father, have we sinned and done this evil in thy sight, that you might be justified when you speak and be clear when you judge. Behold we were shaped in iniquity and in sin did our mother conceive us. See Psalm 51, Pr...