Gog, Magog, Hamon-Gog

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       -Je suis (I Am) Jesus Christ, "If I do this [evangelism ministry], it's good. If I die, that's good too. I will be with the Lord!" ~Gospel worker in India, voice of the martyrs …just imagine, plainly, if it doesn’t cause you pain and blood at gloriously renewing the heart and soul, this anxious outreach to the lost, then it’s not of Jesus’ Christ, as we are the church of the Martyrs.” Remember, Return, REPENT!!! 
www.straitisthegate14.blogspot.com, www.sacrificeofthewicked15.blogspot.com


     -For we acknowledge our transgressions and our sins are ever before thee, against thee, thee only God/Father, have we sinned and done this evil in thy sight, that you might be justified when you speak and be clear when you judge. Behold we were shaped in iniquity and in sin did our mother conceive us. See Psalm 51, www.repentnow2011.blogspot.com

Prophecy Link

 -Seen To Be In A Dream were I receive text message, after text message, after many alike messages stating the same thing, “Jesus is coming, Jesus is on his way!” 02/17/2015
-Seen to be seeing the rise of the anti-Christ, as so a play on, with a large meteor like rock released to descend, when a voice declared: This is the anti-Christ (NWO, Elite, Wealth Of The Wicked), murderer, the compete destruction of King Nebuchadnezzar's Image of emerging nations by a stone cut out without hands falling from heaven on the map, Dan. 2:3-49, 02/14/2015
-A Voice Declaring: "A Catastrophe On The earth," the end of crystal skies mightily on the map 05/11/2014
-Seen to be seeing a ferocious beast filled with their swallow, tearing through, chomping and eating it's way from the pulpit to the pews, a beast in the assembly of great apostasy (false churches), on the map 05/11/2014.

Jimmy Swaggart on Ezekiel, Prophet Of God, book of, chapter 38,

1. And The Word of the Lord came unto me, saying, 
2. Son of man, set your face against Gog, the land of Magog,  the Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal; and prophesy against him, (Gog is another name for the Antichrist, JSM) {I have testified how I’ve had more visions and dreams about the rise of the Antichrist before the Obama administration than at any time in my thirty year ministry, including the rise of two vicious beast, one from earth, one from sea, unto questionable Hussein filing stations on American Soil, Apb }
3. And say, thus says the Lord God, Behold I am against you O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal (for many years bible teachers have thought that these Passages referred to Russia, but a closer investigation of the statement prove otherwise, thus the phrase, “Behold, I am against you, O Gog”, is not referring to Russia, but instead to the Antichrist, JSM) {the beginning of this year, 2015, I was equally shown both a victorious Antichrist, as so what was described by Holy Spirits as “the Antichrist murderer,” the release of the stone made without hands, which had the surface of a meteor, in the possession of the Bride, who released it unto its descent, Apb.}
4. And I will turn you back, and put hooks into your jaw, and I will bring you forth, and all your armies, horses and horsemen, all of them clothe with some form of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords. (this prophecy refers to the battle of Armaggeddon, which will be the second invasion by the Antichrist of Israel in which he will be totally destroyed, the first invasion will take place in the midst of the Great Tribulation, when the Antichrist will then show his true color, JSM) {“And they shall know, I Am God,” The Church bride, not world by this time, would’ve been in heaven 42 months, seeming, just as in the days of Moses who stood before the most greatest kingdom and god of the earth, face to face citing thus said the Lord God, “let my people go,” even at present, the Spirit and the Bride are starring Satan’s Seat, to Demonic Possession, to Religious/Political powers all down declaring this same commission of God, “Let My People Go! The Marriage Supper of the Lamb hath made Itself Ready, the Spirit and Bride say come! See Mat. 22:8-9, Rev. 17, 18, 19 chapters, Apb.}
5. Persia, Ethiopia and Libya with them; all often with shield and buckler, { I had this unthinkable dream years passed whereas in the dream whenever and wherever a domestic horse would lay eyes on me, Apostle/Prophet, Church Age of fulfillment, they would break away from whatever purpose of man having them bound and come right after me. I witness them come from behind fences, break away from carriages and from the back of hauling trailers, they knew what it has taken mankind thousands of years to know or is that to admit? Our God Reign over the Kingdoms of men, Apb.}
6. Gomer and all his bands, the house of Togarmah of the north quarters and all his bands and many people with you. (these Passages simply reinforce the statements previously made, that the armies of the Antichrist will consist of people from many countries, including Russia. JSM) {this forewarning is so personal and precise, which is why the supposedly elite forsaking all monies, gold, are found instead of falling and scrambling to knees of repentance and reconciliation of Christ’s Cross, they’re described as those running to the mountains and hills crying to them “fall on us, and hide us, for the great day of His, God’s wrath is come and who shall be able to stand,” {see Rev. 6:17}, seeming another reason to take the Bride out of the way, Apb.}
7. be prepared and prepare yourselves, you and all your company who are assembled unto you, and be ye a guard unto them.  (“Be Ye Prepared,” merely refers to a taunt given by the Holy Spirit to the Antichrist, . In Other words, prepare yourselves to the very best of your ability, and still it will avail you nothing, as you will be totally defeated, JSM) {Dozing into a sleep, 1998, passing before this lethargic state like a panorama was the name Jeremiah and the figure, the scripture, 37:8, "and the Chaldeans (Islamic Terrorist) shall come gain, {talking about your headless horseman, even your wounded to death warrior}, and fight against this city and burn it with fire, 1998."  I witness a Us general describe an unforeseen  pile up of Islamic torture vehicles as a "Dirty (evil) Mede."
      Further, I witness Islamic terrorist being awarded diamond wedding rings for their war efforts against the West. I witness a Us general hand his horse off to the prophet Jeremiah, citing no contest with bible prophecy, (all previous 1998-2003). I heard the parting of ways of America and Britain commanded to be separated, likes the toes on Nebuchadnezzar's image into "itty, bitty pieces," 2004, As so I witness the stone cut out without hands be described upon its descent Feb. 14/2015, as "the Antichrist murderer," (see Dan. 2:3-49, for the last two). The same Holy Spirit, the same difference, doom isn’t even the worse they can inherit, as eternal damnation await all unrepentant, ALL, for even the Prince, (Wealth Of The Wicked, the Catholic Pope, Satan's Seat) of this world, is, are Judged) Apb, The RAM}
                                          GOG TO INVADE ISRAEL IN THE LAST DAYS

8. After many days you shall be visited, in the latter years you will come into the land which has been brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people against the mountains of Israel, which has been always waste, but is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them, (the two phrases, “After Many Days” and “In The Latter Years,” refer to this present time and the immediate future, therefore any claims that this chapter has already been fulfilled are spurious.
     “The land that is brought back from the sword,” refers to the many conflicts Israel has had since becoming a nation in 1948.
     “And is gathered out of many people,” refers to the various nations, such as Egypt, Syria, Iraq, ect  which did not desire Israel to become a nation, and which therefore, greatly opposed  her.
     “But it is brought forth out of the nations,” pertains to the United Nations voting that Israel would become a state, with even Russia voting her approval.
     “And they shall dwell safely, all of them,” refers to the terrible horror of the Holocaust in World War II, with some 6,000,000 Jews being slaughtered by Hitler, and Israel then demanding a homeland instead of being scattered all over the world. Their feeling being that if this could be obtained, then they would be “safe,” JSM) {As told father Adam and Mother Eve all of which they already had, speaking of a sword, I’m here reminded how doing the Bush administration and his war on the axis of evil, I witness a flaming sword from prison bars target him or perhaps the American Dream, Apb}
9. You shall ascend and come like a storm, you shall be like a cloud to cover the land, you and all your bands and all your people with you. (As stated this is the battle of Armageddon, JSM)
10. thus saith the Lord God, it shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into your mind, and ye shall think as evil thought (“The evil thought,” will consist of the plans of the Antichrist, , inspired of Satan to destroy Israel and the Jews. That plan is the battle of Armageddon, JSM) {Lucifer, like fallen man has known his fate from the beginning, so nothing other is to inspire him than an attempt to frustrate and destroy that which is God’s Heart, Israel (the woman seed), {unto the world of man as an entire, thus is the question of allying mankind, why would you fight against your own, single divine fate of immortality, Christ’s Cross? WHY! Hell is its gain, eternal hell, Apb}
11. And you shall say, I will go up to the land of unwilled villages; I will go to those who are at rest, who dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls and having neither bars or gates (the phrases “land of unwalled villages” ‘dwelling without walls,” and “having neither walls nor gates,” refer to modernization to be rather weak as least in the mind of the Antichrist, JSM){and not just Israel, the American Dream unto the Free World, it’s modernization as mention here, innovation was all made mockery of doing the Intrepid Dream timetable of 2001 -2017, as in only a second by God’s wrath was it all destroyed unto both an Islamic/Antichrist Reign, Apb}
12. To take a spoil, and to take a prey, to turn your hand upon the desolate places, that are now inhabited, and upon the people who are gathered out of the nation, , which hath gotten cattle and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land. (This is the invasion of Israel by the Antichrist, called the battle of Armageddon, which will precipitate the Second Coming of the Lord, JSM) {the first of this year, Feb. 2015, was the assurance of Holy Spirits arriving to me like divine manners of text like messages, all saying, “Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way,” meaning no further delay, Apb}
13. Sheba and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto you. Are you come to take a spoil? Have you gathered your company to take a prey? To carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil? (the question asked by these particular nations are meant to proclaim an adversarial position; in fact, they will probably throw in their lost with the Antichrist, hoping to get a part of the “great spoil, JSM) {And I shall send them strong delusions, that they might believe a lie, Apb}

                                        GOGS ATTACK AGAINST GOD’S LAND

14. Therefore son of man, prophecy and say unto Gog, Thus says the Lord GOD; in that day when My People of Israel dwell safely, shall you know it? (the ideal of this Verse is despite the Antichrist invading Israel and defeating her at the midpoint of the Great Tribulation, thereby breaking this seven year peace pact, still do to him having pressing business elsewhere {Dan. 11:44}, Israel will then filter back into the land, reoccupying it, and seemingly will dwell safely. This will no doubt infuriate the “man of sin,” and he will set about to handle the nation once and for all! JSM) {And he shall set his feet in day upon the mount of Olivet, www.2015zechariaholivet.blogsot.com, Apb}
15. and you shall come from your place out of the north parts, you, and many with you,  all of them rising upon horses, a great company and a mighty army,  (the “north part,” do not refer to Russia, as some think, but rather to Syria. In fact, the Antichrist, {Gog}, will come from Syria, however the Syria of Daniel’s prophecy, of which this speaks, included modern Syria, Iraq and Iran, JSM); {all of which right now are being allied under Russian to bring an end not just to the Isis terrorist, but the one America is for so many nations, Apb}                                                                       
     16. and you shall come up against my people, as a cloud to cover the land it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring you against my Land, that the heathen may know Me, when I shall be sanctified in you, O Gog, before their eyes, ( "In the latter days,” refers to the last of the last days, which pertains to the present and near future, JSM) {the Angel Gabriel 2004 was verifying us, this generation, citing how the fulfillment of all things was upon mankind, even that regarding the seventh angel, see Rev. 10, and 11 chapters, Apb}

                                      MANY PROPHECIES TO BE FULFLILLED

17. Thus says the Lord God, Are ye he of whom I’ve spoken in old time by the servants, the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that would bring you against them, (The lord is here speaking of the prophecies given to the prophecy Ezekiel, of which this is one, as well of those of Isaiah, Zechariah, and others,  JSM) {While doing the Death Rider prophecy of the mid nineties, where I witness the earth just open up and release a victorious bringer of death. Just as soon Holy Spirit began to quote Psalm 51 and I quote, “fret not thyself, rather trust, delight and commit, and I shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light and thy judgment as the noonday,” I didn’t know it at the time, but was the Lord God reiterating His Promises to His Servants, the Prophets, also announced behind this seventh angel.
     Surely how no prophecy of theirs will fail, none would return to Him, even Them void. Thus saith the Lord God.  Thus, be reminded, the prophet Daniel was told by the ‘Man in Linen {Jesus}, to conceal, the Apostle John the Beloved, was told by a resurrected Christ Jesus to reveal, now the Church Age Bride soon to ascend, was all the more being told by Holy Spirits, (The Angel Gabriel 2004) to fulfill all things, meaning again, it's her resurrection, Apb.}

                                                       GOG TO BE DESTROYED
18. And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, says the Lord GOD, that my fury shall come up in my Face. (Once again, this is the Battle of Armageddon. “My Fury shall come up in my Face,” corresponds to the statement of Zechariah {Zech. 14:3} JSM), {www.2015zechariaholivet.blogspot.com Apb, JSM}
19. For in my jealousy and in the fire of my Wrath, have I spoken, surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel, ( "the great shaking in the land of Israel,” can only transpire in the Battle of Armageddon, and only by the hand of the Lord, JSM) {the end of 2013, I heard a voice declare, simply, “five more disasters,” when the beginning of the year I heard a voice declare, “a catastrophe on the earth,”2014, an end hath come upon the four corners, (www.the seventhangel15.blogspot.com), Apb}
20. So that the fish of the sea, and the fowls of heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon earth, and all the men who are upon the face of the earth, shall shake at My Presence, and the mountains will be thrown down and the steep places shall fall, and evey wall shall fall to the ground. (This Verse pertains to the Second Coming, which will be the most cataclysmic event in human history, JSM) {“I’m Coming Soon, Go and tell My People, Jesus appearing like the Christ of Resurrection, 1986, Apb}  
21. And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my Mountains, says the Lord GOD; every man’s sword shall be against his brother (this portrays the fact that the Lord has control over all things! JSM) { were at a point in biblical prophecy whereas all satanic, demonic, religious and political formations have been commanded by God to “Let His People Go!” “And they will know, I Am God!” see Moses' Egypt, Apb}
22. And I will plead against him with pestilence, and with blood, and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people who are with him, nd overflowing rain and great hailstones, fire and brimstone,   (This verse proclaim the fact that the Lord will use the elements over which neither the Antichrist or any other man hath any power, JSM) {thus was the bringer of death I saw, when the earth just open up and it was released out of it toward a victorious crusade, 1994, Apb}
23. Thus I will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know, that I am the lord ( has reference to anger held in check for a long time, and then exploding with a fury that defies description, JSM) {and They shall know I am God., although I’ve been quoting this, I didn’t know this scripture verse was here. I’ve spoken often of the weeping sorely God, that His People were dying, were being stripped of everything Jesus Christ hath brought them, behold he would strip their leaders. I’ve also been in a vision where I witness God dancing, dancing because finally He hath a people who no longer walked by sight but by faith at trusting Him completely.
     My grandson Darius Nigel was going through the house singing the lyrics to a song, “god my deliverer, god my provider, God my healer and I called out to him and I said, you left out, "God my righteous judge;" truly the one side of God, man like to turn deaf ears, blinded eyes, and a harden heart to. Their not realizing just as by Christ’s Cross God can act mercifully, by this same Cross, does He reserve the right to act as a Righteous Judge of tremendous wrath against the unrepentant,  Repent Ye! Apb,} From Jimmy Swaggart’s Expositor’s Bible… The Rise and Fall of Gentile Power, Apb, The RAM
Apostles Note:
     10 million people in all slaughtered under Hitler’s rule  and a blood guiltiness unimaginable all their magnanimous innovations are built upon is little recognized by mankind. Time has run out for the church age bride, God is calling her home, this is actually what the 18th chapter of Revelation is about. That of this Holy Lord God crying aloud “come of out her my people,” with this Christ Lord by the Holy Spirits giving even better revelation than this. That miraculous of God, like the illumination of the sun, moving from behind a mountain which spoke, “Let My People Go.” 06/17/2002
      Remember the Holy Spirit through Moses asked Pharaoh nicely at first, to let the people go into the wilderness and offer up burnt offerings (sacrifices) unto it’s Elohim, God, Jesus Christ, being such the like Lamb made friend, blood sacrificial and divine restoration unto a soon to be realized, Millennium Reign.  Beware, AWAKE! Apb, The RAM, see, read more here, www.beholdthemystery14.blogspot.com, www.legendsofthefall14.blogspot.com, www.thekillingroom14.bogspot.com}

     Who Is This King Of Glory, This Son Of David, This Lord Of Host? (Jesus Christ), He Is This King Of Glory...see Psalm 24:10, www.woewoewoe15.blogspot.com


  1. Check out this YouTube video to get a visual on this tremendous prophecy of Ezekiel 38. https://m.youtube.com/watch?ebc=ANyPxKqEwUpVZcx2nxLwJ2LMJlEpO9sByySUVWiXVfBWxpAQNHv-wRxIKNvpXw5moma02pZJXUWMF0Vd-UoEkxyH5Q0FuYPeVQ&v=R1xSgYYRw1s

  2. Check out this YouTube video to get a visual on this tremendous prophecy of Ezekiel 38. https://m.youtube.com/watch?ebc=ANyPxKqEwUpVZcx2nxLwJ2LMJlEpO9sByySUVWiXVfBWxpAQNHv-wRxIKNvpXw5moma02pZJXUWMF0Vd-UoEkxyH5Q0FuYPeVQ&v=R1xSgYYRw1s


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